Austin Ramsay Games
Austin Ramsay Games

My name's Austin Ramsay (He/Him).
I've been making role playing games in one form or another since I was a little kid (not that I had those terms),
but I started working on them more seriously starting in my early 20s.
I have since released several games on my Itch and Drive Thru RPG pages,
including Beam Saber which won Dicebreaker's 2022 People's Choice Award!
My twitter is @notaninn, and I'm AustinRamsayGames on Tumblr, Cohost, and Mastodon.
Available products
If you've recently purchased a print version of one of these products you may be eligible for a digital version. See if your friendly local gaming store is part of the Bits and Mortar program. If they aren't, it is easy (and free) for them to join!
Beam Saber
File uploaded (or updated) 1 year 6 months ago