Buy the Print Book, Get the PDF. FREE.


    Plenty of customers out there want the best of both worlds, physical and digital. We empower your store to match print-and-PDF bundle offers and keep the whole transaction in-house.

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    Make your retail store sales a better value by offering digital copies free with the purchase of the corresponding physical book. You are not restricted by this program – you can still give away or sell ebooks however you like.

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    Support your Friendly Local Gaming Store and get your PDF too. Learn more about publisher offers or how to get your local store involved.

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Publishers Who Support Bits and Mortar

Bits and Mortar is a growing alliance of like-minded publishers focused on supporting brick and mortar game stores in our electronic age. Explore their digital offerings.

What is the Bits and Mortar Program?

We love real, physical brick and mortar game and book stores and we want to see them survive and thrive as digital content options for traditional publishing becomes more prevalent. We bring the physical and digital worlds together so that you can support your Friendly Local Gaming Store (FLGS) while keeping up-to-date with your digital collection.

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